Tuesday 18 October 2016

How Cloud Computing will save you money

With cloud computing becoming more popular for a variety of reasons it is important that companies learn how to maximise the benefits and reduce the risks. Many experts believe that cloud computing despite documented risks will become the dominant method of running technology into the future. 

Simply put cloud computing allows you to focus on running your business. It not only saves its users money, it is flexible, can scale quickly and as quickly reduce back down and basically allows you do more with less.
So where do these savings happen? Well firstly cloud computing enables organic economies of scale. Server infrastructure is shared across companies meaning you use what you need and lowering traditionally high infrastructure costs. This in turn saves money on power and helps the planet! In a self ran data centre servers are never fully utilised and idle servers use up energy. 

The biggest saving is in IT Resourcing. IT staff are expensive. Not only their salaries but the associated costs of employment mean companies rack up costs on IT Resourcing. Also IT moves on so fast IT staff need continual training. A move to cloud computing allows IT staff to be redeployed to more strategic project work that can push the company forward and enable it to take advantage of new business opportunities. 

Running your own IT you often have to have back up servers in case of failure – again meaning excess spend on hardware that often sits idle.
These costs and the big benefit of reducing IT Resourcing expenses makes a move to the cloud a definite must for small to medium companies who need to put their hard earned cash to work in the best way.

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